2023-01-09 08:15:14
2023-01-09 08:15:14
2023-01-09 02:41:25
2023-01-03 14:33:34
2023-01-03 11:09:41
2023-01-02 18:48:15
Tim Somers reshared this.
Google’s First Production Server Rack https://www.computerhistory.org/collections/catalog/102662167
Tim Somers reshared this.
2022-12-23 21:28:42
2022-12-23 11:14:14
2022-12-22 21:13:08
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yeah, and the compiler will happily report a completely irrelevant error, effectively joining in on the fox' sadistic joke
Someone report this incident to @FoxNews
Yup, just change that to our dog Casey and a line number 9689 or less (my PHP web content manager functions module).
Me, a JS developer: *doesn't notice until 5 years down the road*
What a nice fox. He could have added an obscure logic error instead.
pro tip: the greek question mark (;) looks exactly like the semicolon (;), but it's a different character. Using it instead of a semicolon causes an error.
2022-12-27 16:47:38
2022-12-22 11:22:18
2022-12-22 00:27:31
Tim Somers reshared this.
The bit about a lawyer being stopped from entering a music hall in the US because its facial recognition system picked up that she's part of a law company that's suing them is even crazier than I thought.
The law company isn't suing the music hall - it's suing a restaurant, in another state, which is owned by the hall's parent company MSG Entertainment. MSG gone ahead and harvested photos of all the lawyers in the firm and fed it to an image recognition system to ban them from every MSG Entertainment owned location.
People always tell me that if you've got nothing to hide then you've got nothing to fear. She's got nothing to hide and they still went after her.
If this doesn't start making people worried about facial recognition then there's serious trouble coming.
The law company isn't suing the music hall - it's suing a restaurant, in another state, which is owned by the hall's parent company MSG Entertainment. MSG gone ahead and harvested photos of all the lawyers in the firm and fed it to an image recognition system to ban them from every MSG Entertainment owned location.
People always tell me that if you've got nothing to hide then you've got nothing to fear. She's got nothing to hide and they still went after her.
If this doesn't start making people worried about facial recognition then there's serious trouble coming.
MSG defends using facial recognition to kick lawyer out of Rockettes show
MSG Entertainment began using facial recognition at venues in 2018.Ars Technica
3 people reshared this
De Visser, Tim Somers and Aral Balkan reshared this.
2022-12-18 10:56:17
2022-12-18 09:20:11
2022-12-18 09:03:25
2022-12-16 15:06:04
2022-12-16 11:51:20
2022-12-16 11:42:14
Tim Somers reshared this.
sl on my prod Linux server? No way. Lmao.
https://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/displays-animations-when-accidentally-you-type-sl-instead-of-ls.html *choo choo* 🚂
https://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/displays-animations-when-accidentally-you-type-sl-instead-of-ls.html *choo choo* 🚂
This entry was edited (2 years ago)
Tim Somers reshared this.
4 comments - Show more
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@iggdawg i hope you are using Ansible or something like that 😛
I 100% wanted to install sl on the tools server at my last place, I think I installed cmatrix tho haha
2022-12-16 09:09:40
2022-12-16 09:09:39
2022-12-16 09:09:39
Onzen Elon is goe bezig
Twitter blocks links to Mastodon, making a really good case for Mastodon https://techcrunch.com/2022/12/15/elon-musk-suspends-mastodon-twitter-account-over-elonjet-tracking/
2022-12-16 09:02:23
2022-12-16 09:02:23
2022-12-16 00:10:33
2023-03-14 23:15:30
2022-12-15 12:07:03
2022-12-15 02:09:45
Tim Somers reshared this.
Using #vim is easy once you learn a few basic keybindings.
h and l - move left and right
j and k - move down and up
η and λ - move backwards and forwards through time
ξ and κ - translation through additional temporal dimension (if applicable)
ᚻ, ᛄ, ᚳ and ᛚ - moving left, down, up, and right through celestial spheres
𐤄 and 𐤋 - switch deity to pantheon member to left or right
𐤉 - supplicate to chosen deity
𐤊 - challenge chosen deity (dangerous)
:q - exit
h and l - move left and right
j and k - move down and up
η and λ - move backwards and forwards through time
ξ and κ - translation through additional temporal dimension (if applicable)
ᚻ, ᛄ, ᚳ and ᛚ - moving left, down, up, and right through celestial spheres
𐤄 and 𐤋 - switch deity to pantheon member to left or right
𐤉 - supplicate to chosen deity
𐤊 - challenge chosen deity (dangerous)
:q - exit
This entry was edited (2 years ago)
Tim Somers reshared this.
219 comments - Show more
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it's so primitive.
I prefer the simplicity and intuitivety of Nano, and no learning curve.
Sadly, VI commands are ingrained in my brain from years of abuse.
I never dared play with emacs.
I prefer the simplicity and intuitivety of Nano, and no learning curve.
Sadly, VI commands are ingrained in my brain from years of abuse.
I never dared play with emacs.
First I thought "what a boaring post" - but then I read it... 😅
Of course, NeoVim adds Old Enochian as a domain-specific language for demon summoning in addition to VimScript and it's own specialized voudon-oriented dialect of Lua, Loa.
You left out ESC.
That is where people get confused.
The number one thing that people need to learn about vi and vim (these days), is that you are either in command mode or edit mode.
They need to learn that if they get confused to use the ESC key to get back to command mode.
Then they can try :q! or :wq!
Power off can confuse them even more if they run into the recovery file.
When learning vim, make sure you understand the purpose of ESC.
That is where people get confused.
The number one thing that people need to learn about vi and vim (these days), is that you are either in command mode or edit mode.
They need to learn that if they get confused to use the ESC key to get back to command mode.
Then they can try :q! or :wq!
Power off can confuse them even more if they run into the recovery file.
When learning vim, make sure you understand the purpose of ESC.
As I have all Greek letter on my French BÉPO layout, and as a vim user, I can confirm moving through time is very useful ;)
Yeah, those are classics, but the real vim experience starts when you learn how to use macros.
I just wish there was some sort of -y command line option to automatically respond affirmatively when I’m asked if I’m a deity. Maybe I need to build my own extension for it.
I have used vim once, recently. That is why I have not used vim twice.
hell yeah! I've used vi for 20+ years and won't touch anything else by choice. Once you start mastering macros for editing, it becomes way more useful. Feel free to dG this comment 😁
Don’t get me wrong - vim is awesome. But this captures a fundamental truth. https://www.google.com/search?q=exiting+vim+book&client=safari&hl=en-us&ei=6BibY93wFLmiptQPr8yvmAo&oq=exiting+&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAEYATIFCAAQkQIyBAgAEEMyBAgAEEMyBQgAEJECMgUIABCRAjIFCAAQkQIyCggAEIAEELEDEAoyBAgAEEM6CAgAEKIEELADOgIIKToFCCEQoAE6BQghEKsCOggIIRAWEB4QHToKCCEQFhAeEA8QHToGCAAQFhAeOgUIABCGAzoFCAAQgAQ6CAgAEBYQHhAPOggIABCABBCxAzoICAAQsQMQkQI6CAguEIAEENQCOhEILhCDARCvARDHARCxAxCABDoLCC4QgAQQxwEQrwE6CwguEIAEELEDENQCOgQILhBDOgcILhDUAhBDSgQIQRgBUOsMWPQtYOc9aABwAHgAgAFliAHyC5IBBDIwLjGYAQCgAQHIAQPAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#imgrc=nFbrTu79idgRPM&imgdii=RWnoEA3TTvDvWM
“Does it make me feel like I’m playing Hack or Moria via a VT100 terminal” is a key feature in a text editor.
Next tutorial: How to talk to aliens using VIM.
Easier. Just put in your shell rc file:
alias vim emacs
alias vi emacs
alias vim emacs
alias vi emacs
If you find yourself moving through cthonic spheres when you press ᚻ, ᛄ, ᚳ and ᛚ, or can't exit with :q, check to see if you have your caps lock on
You joke, but Vim actually has commands for time travel, and no, they’re not bound to obscure Greek alphabets.
:earlier 5m
:later 4m
:earlier 5m
:later 4m
Ugh, I always forget if I need the colon before a deity swap.
vi mode in the zsh is a must because with creative combinations of η, λ, and ᛄ you can go through your command history and ask to have that `rm` undone.
Do we have to present these commands by showing rune stones to the computer or will using the keyboard suffice?
:q! Exit without saving
:q¡ Exit branch in time without saving
:q! Exit without saving
:q¡ Exit branch in time without saving
oh so this is the missing cheatsheet that I never had all these time. no wonder I never got it right. #TeamNano
Technically there's already commands to travel through time!
Also `:earlier 5m` and `:later 5m`
Also `:earlier 5m` and `:later 5m`
surprisingly enough, the same keystrokes, in order listed, will also merely calculate the average of a list of integers on APL programming language.
Go figure...
BTW, this is best practiced while playing the new-ish "5D chess" game (on Steam, among others), where, on a YouTube vid you can hear: "Ah yes, the classic: two rows up and back in time" (and the expected comment: "ah, yes... the CLASSIC...")
Go figure...
BTW, this is best practiced while playing the new-ish "5D chess" game (on Steam, among others), where, on a YouTube vid you can hear: "Ah yes, the classic: two rows up and back in time" (and the expected comment: "ah, yes... the CLASSIC...")
the joke is that none of these commands will help you if you press ctrl-s
thanks for this. Printing it out and posting it in my office for when I am on a box with no nano and need to venture into the labyrinth of deception.
( and ) - add/remove curvature to your dimensions
Π - make the sun and planets go around the earth
Ἀ - make the earth and planets go around the sun
Π - make the sun and planets go around the earth
Ἀ - make the earth and planets go around the sun
Vi(m) has two modes.
One of them beeps, the 2nd destroys files in multiple ways.
One of them beeps, the 2nd destroys files in multiple ways.
Uh. I *hate* accidentally switching deities. I lose more firstborn children that way.
At least Emacs requires you to enter 'M-x change-deity' and prompts for confirmation.
At least Emacs requires you to enter 'M-x change-deity' and prompts for confirmation.
I am the unofficial vim support person in our company and appreciate this collection very much.
Kratos says "traveling through time is more trouble than it's worth" so I'd avoid those
@ids1024: I can't believe you left out the command for "toggle astral projection mode", its in my top 10 of commands for daily use.
Easily the most common mistake newbies make is forgetting to periodically hit λ to catch the application state up with their typing.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had folks complain to me that they “can’t type anything in vim”.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had folks complain to me that they “can’t type anything in vim”.
@capy Generally it's the Phonetician that poses more of an issue. Many less experienced users never change deity from the default, but they lose access to a lot of the editor's more powerful features this way.

Fair, but also fair to mention that many users have stayed in #emacs simply because they didn't memorize the key sequence to exit
(Also, HJKL makes intuitive sense in vi, right up until the point that you try to use a Dvorak keyboard.)
(Also, HJKL makes intuitive sense in vi, right up until the point that you try to use a Dvorak keyboard.)
Thank you for this magical cheat sheet. This once and for all proves that vi is the best editor through space and time! Amen!
@Sarahw There's a popular plugin for that, but Emacs users insist their included sink-mode is still better.
Damn, I've been using it wrong this whole time. Guess I need to use λ to correct that.
Printed and taped to my computer monitor as a handy reference. Thank you.
":help maia" should document any relevant bindings and commands.
@N0ZB Probably a good idea to provide a help document for this so that the rune for summon Sauron is not accidentally discovered, which could result in the great rings being forged and the nations of the world falling to the power of the ring one by one leaving behind what looks like a post-nuclear hellscape.
Wow, they've added a lot of cool new features since I last used vim.
What if I just want to enter a Git commit message without accidentally summoning anything from the underworld?
If you translate in just the right way across celestial spheres and both time axes, you can shift to a version of your program written by an ancient elven developer. Who's better than you.
This entry was edited (2 years ago)
Excellent point, am updating my keybindings on my heavenly choir keyboard now!
if you wanted me to be interested in vim, you should have led with "attack and dethrone god" as a feature lol
It's a good motivation to use vim, but should not be attempted until you have mastered other vim functionality. Because if you're not quick enough with vim, you'll find the gods are.
It's a good motivation to use vim, but should not be attempted until you have mastered other vim functionality. Because if you're not quick enough with vim, you'll find the gods are.
for the people without without η and λ on their keyboard, g+ and g- are other ways to move forward and backward in time (try it! do and undo a few actions, do new things, and then navigate through time!)
As opposed to emacs where only the most stalwart (or foolhardy?) type M-x wake-the-sleeping-mad-god-who-slumbers-in-the-deep 😀
Dang it, I *knew* that vim has some crazy features I never knew about.
As long as I don't get a computer with a Greek (or Norse rune??) keyboard, I should be ok. *phew*
As long as I don't get a computer with a Greek (or Norse rune??) keyboard, I should be ok. *phew*
This entry was edited (2 years ago)
rofl. Love it! But what if you're using a traditional chinese keyboard?
Incorrect, the default bindings for forward/backward in time is g+ and g-
This is not a joke. 🙂
This is not a joke. 🙂
@thomasfricke ed(1) is the standard editor! It says so in the BSD man pages, and BSD man pages don't lie.
@sten @thomasfricke
Ed, sed, and vi are all specified by POSIX, so use what you want. As long as it isn't Emacs.
Also, if a demon tells you one thing, and a penguin tells you another, who do you trust?
Ed, sed, and vi are all specified by POSIX, so use what you want. As long as it isn't Emacs.
Also, if a demon tells you one thing, and a penguin tells you another, who do you trust?
Vim is like Street Fighter II. You can use it without knowing every move.
The cool thing about vim is you don’t need to learn too many of its commands to be useful. There are a lot of arcane commands that are really useful if you know them, but not at all essential.
@Doktor_S Paleo-Hebrew or Phonetician, which are basically the same alphabet (and apparently have to share the Phoenician Unicode block).
Not the most well known writing system, but it's where our modern alphabets (𐤀𐤁) come from.
Not the most well known writing system, but it's where our modern alphabets (𐤀𐤁) come from.
Come to Mastodon for the nano, you end up getting the vim.
In all seriousness I found Vim Adventures useful when building muscle memory for vim
(FYI there are free levels before you hit a paywall, I ended up staying the free space as they account for the 20% you use 80% of the time there.)
(FYI there are free levels before you hit a paywall, I ended up staying the free space as they account for the 20% you use 80% of the time there.)
Learn VIM while playing a game - VIM Adventures
VIM Adventures is an online game based on VIM's keyboard shortcuts. It's the "Zelda meets text editing" game. So come have some fun and learn some VIM!vim-adventures.com
@swhobbit Those are the first letters of the first four words of the Ancient Phonetician hymn in honor of the god Ba'al Qwerṭ'j.
:earlier and :later actually do move backwards and forwards through time (alternatively z- and z+) hehe
Frankly I think vi missed an opportunity when they didn't making exiting and even more obscure and long-winded set of keystrokes.
Hotel vi, the editor you can enter, but never leave.
Hotel vi, the editor you can enter, but never leave.
you do realize that there's an emacs mode for all of that, right?
nano for the win. If i need an advanced editor, I'll fire up vscode via a remote ssh session. I just don't understand the appeal of all the complexity required to operate that editor.
Imagine encountering vim for the first time on a mountaintop at 3 am, guided by an impatient professor.
I would have worn out the ᛄ key if I had this list back then…
I would have worn out the ᛄ key if I had this list back then…
And this is before we even get to the good bits of combining commands.
:3λ7𐤉! – step backwards and forwards in time while unconditionally supplicating your chosen deity 7 times for each temporal point.
:3λ7𐤉! – step backwards and forwards in time while unconditionally supplicating your chosen deity 7 times for each temporal point.
For a moment I honestly couldn't tell if this was:
a) A serious guide for a different keyboard layout.
b) A guide from some sort of 19th century mystical text.
c) A mathematical model for a variant on a turing machine.
a) A serious guide for a different keyboard layout.
b) A guide from some sort of 19th century mystical text.
c) A mathematical model for a variant on a turing machine.
@hrefna What the world really needs is a mathematical formalization of POSIX vi written an Ancient Phoenician.
I mean I can probably do the mathematical formalization of POSIX vi if you can find someone who can do the Ancient Phoenician.
@hrefna Apparently Phoenician is mostly known from inscriptions with no significant extant texts, so this may require use of vim's time travel feature.
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